Archive News & Information
In this section you will find news in behavioural medicine and information for government bodies and owners as well as links to journals dealing with clinical ethology and ethology of pet animals at large. There is also information on how to apply for the ESVCE grant for clinical research in behavioural medicine – the Rudy De Meester Grant.
News in Behavioural Medicine
FAO Guidance document on Sars-Cov-2 and animals
Exposure of humans or animals to Sars-Cov-2 from wild, livestock, companion and aquatic animals – Qualitative exposure assessment
October 28, 2020
Journals dealing with clinical ethology and ethology of pet animals at large
Information for Government Bodies
The welfare of dogs and cats involved in commercial practices
A review of the legislation across EU countries
December 30, 2017

Beware of the dog!
Results of the FVE survey on “dangerous dogs” were launched December 2016
December 30, 2016
Information for Owners

Beware of illegal puppy trading!
Watch and share this video! If you buy a puppy online, you may be supporting the cruel illegal puppy trade!
June 30, 2015
Rudy De Meester Grant
The aims of the Rudy DeMeester (RDM) grant include improving and widening knowledge and understanding of practical clinical ethology for the benefit of companion animals, including horses. The grant is open to current ESVCE members, and applications are welcome from clinicians and researchers of all levels of experience, including students. Applications must be received by February 28 each year. The grant consists of EUR 2000, plus congress fees and associated expenses up to EUR 1000 if the research is accepted for publication at the annual European Veterinary Congress of Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare. For further details please see the attached application form.