Benefits of being a Member
ESVCE encourages and aims to facilitate co-ordination of research and other contributions to knowledge related to diagnosis, therapy, prevention and control of behavioural problems in animals.
ESVCE encourages and aims to facilitate co-ordination of research and other contributions to knowledge related to diagnosis, therapy, prevention and control of behavioural problems in animals.
As a member, you receive free access to the webinars we arrange throughout the year. Furthermore, ESVCE organizes an annual meeting (EVCBMAW congress) where newest research and clinical cases are presented. As a member you can attend the meeting at a reduced price. You shall also receive a discount on attending the annual EVCBMAW conference, jointly organised by ESVCE and other stakeholders. For those who are wishing to undertake some clinical research as part of their work, we have the RDM Grant awarded annually, and members are welcome to apply for this.
ESVCE aims to facilitate contact between its members and also encourages communication and co-operation with other behaviour orientated associations (animal behaviour and psychology/ psychiatry, welfare). ESVCE is in close contact with the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine (ECAWBM).
As a member, you will get first-hand information on what is happening in the field of behaviour in the different countries (e.g. activities of the national working groups and associations). ESVCE itself organizes and maintains working groups to collate information, writing position statements on different topics. The contact and distribution of information between ESVCE and you as a member facilitated via the website (official and internal part) – we also regularly keep in touch with you via e-mail to update you on webinars, and other related topics. There is also Facebook forum where you can communicate with other members.
Who can become a full member?
Every veterinarian with an interest in veterinary behavioural medicine.
Who can become an affiliate member?
Non-veterinarians with an interest in veterinary behavioural medicine.