United Kingdom

University of Edinburgh The University runs a MSc-course in International Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law. More information Edinburgh offers a number of educational options for vets, including an Online PG Cert (Diploma/Masters) and a 20 credit course available as PPD (credit bearing CPD) on Clinical Animal Behaviour. A new Online Masters programme in Clinical Animal […]


University of Zurich – Irchel Course: Weiterbildung für Tierärzte zum Verhaltensmediziner STVV For vets only. Run by: Schweiz. Tierärztliche Vereinigung für Verhaltensmedizin STVV (Swiss Veterinary Association for Behavioural Medicine) Course duration: Modular course, 2 – 3 years, 3 examsLanguages: German/French/English (depending on speakers) Certificate of capability by the Swiss Veterinary Association More information: University of Zurich […]


Autonomous University of Barcelona Master course on Veterinary Clinical Ethology Location: Barcelona School of Veterinary Medicine (Autonomous University of Barcelona)Academic period: From February until December (annual)Number of credits:Theory: 36 ECTS  /  Practice: 15 ECTS  /  Master’s Thesis: 9 ECTSLanguage: Spanish, except for those made by foreign speakers that will be in English.Program: General Ethology: Physiology, […]


University of Pisa Master degree in Veterinary Clinical Ethology for veterinarians This post-graduate course is academically recognised and accredited, and it allows to be recognised as experts in animal behaviour (veterinary behaviourist) in Italy by FNOVI. The course offers a training programme of around 400 hours dealing with the following areas: basic and applied ethology, anthrozoology, […]


Further Qualification Fachtierarzt fuer Verhaltenskunde (Certified Specialist in Ethology): minimum requirements (vary slightly between states): 3 years of specialized training at a licensed site; 120 hours of continuing education (lectures and classes, e.g. conferences that are accredited); at least one peer reviewed publication in the specialty, doctorate thesis in the field. Areas to be covered: […]


France The four Veterinary School of France Certificat d’études approfondies vétérinaires (CEAV) de médecine du comportement des animaux domestiques Post Graduate Specialization School in Behavioural Medicine of Domestic Animals (2 years) certifying veterinary behaviourists for veterinarians. The four Veterinary School of France are involved and offer a training programme (8 weeks of courses, workshops and […]


University of Gent Third year: Introductory course on Ethology, Ethics and Animal welfare 60h theory, 45 h practicals, 80h internship extra muros Contact: Prof. Christel Moons Sixth and last year: Feline and canine behaviour clinic 1/2 day per week Contact: Prof. Anouck Haverbeke www.ugent.be Odisee University College The online Postgraduate Course in Companion Animal Behaviour […]