Further Qualification
Fachtierarzt fuer Verhaltenskunde (Certified Specialist in Ethology):
minimum requirements (vary slightly between states): 3 years of specialized training at a licensed site; 120 hours of continuing education (lectures and classes, e.g. conferences that are accredited); at least one peer reviewed publication in the specialty, doctorate thesis in the field. Areas to be covered: Ethology (small, large, wild, and zoo animal as well as exotics and pocket pets), Psychology, Learning Theory, Animal Welfare, Behaviour Medicine, Psychopharmacology. Exam: oral.
Zusatzbezeichnung Verhaltenstherapie (additional qualification Behaviour therapy).
Continuing education hours (80 – 120). Minimum of 3 years of work (cases and cont. educ.) in the field. Certain number of cases seen. Submission of 25 case reports. Oral exam in Ethology (companion animals), Psychology, Learning theory, Welfare (applicable laws and legislation), Behavior Medicine, Psychopharmacology.
Clinical Ethology Education in Europe
Clinical Ethology Education in Europe Different European Countries offer opportunities for further

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