Working Groups
The ESVCE has several “working groups” which work on certain topics in depth. The outcome of such work can result in a position statement or public advice.
Cannabidiol (CBD) Working Group
The use of cannabidiol (CBD) has become more and more popular in the treatment of anxiety and psychiatric disorders in human medicine. As a result, more and more dogs’ owners are asking for CBD when they are confronted to behavioral disorders.
The aim of the working group is to realize a large review of the use of CBD for behavioral purposes in dogs. Indeed, the scientific knowledge about the different products that contain cannabidiol is disparate. Different products with different composition may be found, their effects are not well understood and the law regulations about those products vary from one country to another.
This working group is composed of several active committee members:
- Dr Stephane Bleuer
- Dr Sylvia Masson
- Dr Matthieu Broussois
- The aims of the working group are to conduct: Scientific review about what is cannabidiol, what is the actual knowledge of its pharmacology and effects in dogs.
- Scientific review of the products that contains cannabidiol to make a list and to emphasize the main differences.
- Scientific review of the use of products containing cannabidiol on dog’s behavior.
- Scientific review of the different law regulations worldwide concerning CBD and THC.
Shelter Group Program
- The first aim of this working group is the finalization of a flyer destined to future owners of shelter dogs
- Next steps for the shelter group:
- Assessment of shelters P&P’s in Europe with the aim of a paper in a peer-review journal. (% of euthanasia, or no-kill policy, % rehoming, % of re-relinquishment, kind of breeds relinquished, duration before adoption, dog’s temperament assessment, etc…), building further upon available literature¹
- Define an ethical charter for European Shelters (% of euthanasia, number of dogs/ cage, number of cats/ Cage, free outdoors access, off-leash walks, on leash walks, training methods, “enrichment”, employee training, etc…)
- ESVCE can propose a label for European animal shelters after examination of their applications.
- ESVCE shelter group should be a preferred contact for the European commission for animal welfare.
¹Haverbeke, A., Pluijmakers, J., Diederich, C., 2015. Behavioral evaluations of shelter dogs: Literature review, perspectives, and follow-up within the European member states’ legislation with emphasis on the Belgian situation. Clinical Research Article. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 10 (1): 5-11.