Position Statements

Position Statements

Cannabidiol use guidelines in behavioral medicine in dogs and cats: what do we know?

Results of the CBD working group and position statement proposition.

ESVCE position statement on the use of medications to manage acute phobic states in dogs as an alternative to acepromazine

The ESVCE recommends that acepromazine is not used to prevent/treat noise phobias, in

line with the recommendations of other veterinarian behaviourist and animal behaviour

associations from different countries (e.g.: AVEC, AVEPA-GRETCA). ESVCE members have adopted this position statement on suggested alternatives to the use of acepromazine.

Electronic training devices

ESVCE members have adopted a position statement on electronic training devices on their AGM, September 2017. The statement was prepared by a working group consisting of Sylvia Masson, Angelo Gazzano, Silvia de la Vega, Esther Schalke. The text was corrected for English by Elizabeth Walsh and Tiny DeKeuster gave helpful comments.

The position statement was revised and published in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior in 2018.

Risk Assessment

The ESVCE position statement on risk assessment has been published in Journal of Veterinary Behavior (2011) 6, 248-249

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